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Your New Year Cleaning Checklist

24 January 2024

Jennie Hollingsworth

The festive season is officially over. The last of the Christmas leftovers have been eaten, the decorations put away, and the kids are (finally) back in school. Now that Christmas has wrapped up, it's time to tackle the aftermath in your kitchen and home.

Hosting parties and cooking up a storm over Christmas and New Year can leave your kitchen in need of some serious attention. But fortunately, our New Year kitchen cleaning checklist is here to help save the day. In our post, we'll explore the often-forgotten areas that need a deep clean and recommend the best products for revitalising your kitchen space.

This list isn’t just for Christmas – you can use it year-round after hosting any party or gathering.

Deep clean your oven

A lot of people carry out a ‘pre-Christmas oven clean.’ But that can feel a little counterproductive when Christmas is one of the busiest (and potentially messiest) periods for your oven. Left over time, ovens can build up all kinds of grease and grime, and the New Year is the perfect time to tackle it. 

To help you get the results from your oven clean, start by removing the oven racks and soaking them in warm, soapy water. Use a specialist oven cleaner for the interior, ensuring to follow the product's instructions carefully. Scrub away any grime or baked-on residue, paying extra attention to the oven door. Once done, wipe down the interior with a damp cloth to remove any remaining cleaner residue.

Cleaning your oven regularly will help prevent the build-up that many people dread cleaning. Intensive cleaning will be needed 1-2 times a year if you manage to keep on top of things. As one of the toughest kitchen cleaning jobs, you’ll appreciate the fact you cleaned your kitchen regularly.

Refresh your worktops

Worktops bear the brunt of festive cooking activities, accumulating spills, stains, crumbs and more. Begin by clearing the surfaces of any small appliances, utensils, or decorative items so that you can give your surfaces a deep clean. Choose a cleaner that’s appropriate for your worktop surface type - you can choose from a range of suitable kitchen cleaning products to help you do the job. Where possible, use an eco-friendly cleaner to help limit the amount of chemicals used while still providing an effective and hygienic clean.

Address your forgotten spaces

During the festive season, people tend to overlook certain spaces in the kitchen that accumulate dirt and grease. Pay attention to the areas around and behind large appliances, such as the fridge and freezer. Pull these appliances away from the wall and clean the floor underneath. Dust and vacuum any cobwebs or debris, ensuring a thorough clean. Additionally, don't forget to wipe down light fixtures, switches, and exhaust fans, as they can also harbour hidden dirt and develop a build-up of kitchen grease.

Clean out your fridge (and freezer)

After filling your fridge for Christmas, it can be left in a not-so-fresh state by the time January comes around. Start by removing all items from the fridge checking use-by dates and discarding anything past its prime. This not only clears space but ensures that only fresh and safe food remains. Next, take out the shelves and drawers, giving them a thorough wash with a mixture of mild soap and water. Wipe down the interior with a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar to eliminate odours and disinfect surfaces. Finally, before placing items back, organise them neatly, using clear containers for better visibility. This quick yet effective process not only revitalises your fridge but also promotes a healthier and more organised kitchen.

Don’t forget to check your freezer too – you might have products in there that have fallen victim to freezer burn, or you might need to defrost your freezer. This can be a good way to remind yourself of what’s in your freezer that you can use up if you’re looking to save some extra pennies this January.

Declutter and organise

The new year is an ideal time to declutter your kitchen and get it organised for the upcoming year. Dispose of any food that’s passed its best and organise and restock your cupboards. Investing in some storage solutions can be a great way to transform your kitchen space and keep it looking neat. If you have any old and unwanted crockery or gadgets, consider donating them to create more space for the items you need.

Clean and maintain kitchen appliances

Aside from the oven, other kitchen appliances may have taken a beating during the holidays. Clean out the microwave by placing a bowl of water with lemon slices inside and running it for a few minutes. Wipe down the interior with a damp cloth, removing any lingering odours. You can also use a disinfectant cleaner. For the dishwasher, run a cycle with a dishwasher cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to eliminate build-up and odours.

How to tackle the greasy build-up

Cooking festive meals often involves a fair amount of frying and sautéing, leading to greasy build-up on surfaces and cabinets. Use a grease-cutting cleaner to wipe down cabinet doors, handles, and surfaces. For stubborn grease stains, mix baking soda with water to create a paste and gently scrub the affected areas. Pay special attention to areas near the hob and oven where grease tends to accumulate.

Give your floors a thorough clean

Experienced a lot of foot traffic over the festive period? Multiple visitors, as well as less-than-ideal weather may have meant your floors need a little TLC. Whether you have hardwood, tile, laminate, or carpet, a well-executed floor-cleaning routine can make a significant difference. Start by sweeping or vacuuming to remove loose dirt and debris. For hard surfaces, a mop with a suitable floor cleaner can effectively tackle grime and stains. Don't forget to pay attention to corners and edges, often neglected during routine cleaning, and may have built up over Christmas. Explore various floorcare products to help you get the job done.

Get everything you need for your kitchen deep clean with phs Direct

A new year kitchen cleaning checklist can be just what you need to restore order and cleanliness to your cooking haven. By addressing often-forgotten areas, investing in quality cleaning products, and keeping up a regular cleaning routine, you can ensure that your kitchen is ready for the year ahead. Your efforts will not only make your kitchen shine but also set the stage for a fresh and organised start to the new year.

Check out phs Direct’s full cleaning product range to give you everything you need to for your new year deep clean.
