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phs Direct & COVID-19: your questions answered

Latest update as of 15th April 2020

Here at phs we are taking the public health challenge of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously and we are monitoring the situation closely on a daily basis.

We have compiled the following information and responses to common questions from our customers during this time, and hope that we are able to resolve any queries you may have regarding our operations. We are ensuring to follow Government guidelines on hygiene and safety with our business practices.

We are by your side 

During these uncertain times, our account managers, customer service team and operations staff are here to help you and your business. We know many businesses across the UK have temporarily closed whilst the country is under tighter restrictions. There will be others who still require assistance from us. If you have any queries, please get in touch and we can discuss your account. We are by your side.

Your service and Government restrictions 

We previously advised that the majority of phs staff had already been designated as critical workers by the Government and therefore we can continue to deliver essential services to our customers as much as possible. Like many businesses in the UK, our staff availability has been impacted by the Government’s advice on self-isolation and protection of individuals in the workplace who have been classified as “vulnerable”.

We continue to take all necessary steps to mitigate the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our staff and our business and therefore the impact on our service to your business. We are monitoring Government developments closely and implementing their advice. 

Keeping you safe and healthy 

To help control the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are giving regular guidance and training to phs staff on personal health protection and actions they can take to minimise the spread of the disease. All our staff are using hand sanitisers and follow social distancing guidance along with our standard operating procedures. 

As leading hygiene experts, we are well placed to help you and your business through these difficult times. This might be cleaning consumables to keep your workplace and staff safe or paper hygiene products. We are here to discuss your product requirements.

Our business continuity plan

phs has implemented a Coronavirus (COVID-19) business continuity plan. The purpose of this plan is to maintain phs services, protect our staff and minimise the spread of the disease.  The plan ensures phscan service as many customers as possible without placing our colleagues, or the greater community, at infection risk. It is monitored by our crisis management team made up of key senior directors and managers who have daily calls. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you still operating during this time?

Yes, we are still supporting our customers and delivering consumables during this time. In accordance with Government COVID-19 safety guidelines, many of our staff members are now working from home. We therefore have limited cover for our telephone lines, and no voicemail facility. If you require assistance, please visit for the latest information or email with your query and we will respond to you as soon as we possibly can.

Are you holding enough stock to deal with current demand?

We are working alongside our product suppliers to do as much as possible to maintain our stock levels, however like many other distributors we are experiencing a significant increase in demand for hygiene and sanitising products. We are in constant communication with our product suppliers and are sourcing products from additional sources where possible.

Have you got sanitiser, antibacterial and Personal Protective products in stock? 

Unsurprisingly we are experiencing very high demand for all sanitiser products. We are working with our suppliers to keep up with current demand. Due to an unprecedented increase in demand for PPE we are working with our product suppliers to obtain additional stock if we possibly can and will allocate this to customer orders accordingly.

Can I order additional stock from phs?

We are experiencing high demand on many of our product lines, and therefore we will unfortunately not be able to accept increased order volumes from our customers at the present time. 

Can my order be prioritised?

We are currently prioritising orders for frontline healthcare and key services, to reduce disruptions to their daily work during the Coronavirus pandemic. We hope you can understand and thank you for your patience during this time. 

Why have I not received a call back yet?

We are currently experiencing much higher than normal call and email volumes as a results of COVID-19, and therefore some of our customers may experience delays in receiving a response from us. We are doing all that we can do get back to every customer as quickly as possible, but we appreciate your support and patience at this time. 

My delivery hasn’t arrived yet!

We are working as hard as we possibly can in both our office and warehouse to get our customer orders processed in our system and out to our customers. However, we must stress that our deliveries in some cases are taking longer than our customers would normally expect. Again, please bear with us as we are working as quickly as we possibly can to get stock to our customers. 

Do you have any Personal Protective Equipment products in stock?

Due to an unprecedented increase in demand for PPE equipment, we are currently experiencing limited to no stock on many lines. We are working with our product suppliers to obtain additional stock if we possibly can, and will allocate this to customer orders accordingly. 

Do you anticipate any issues with availability of other product ranges?

We aim to always hold sufficient stock of all product lines in order to fulfill customer orders. However, due to the sudden increase in demand, there are many product lines we are currently unable to provide to our customers. We have been in contact with our suppliers to confirm availability of additional stock if required. 
